Saturday, 2 November 2013

EcoEurope on the radio

Die Deutsche Welle hat einen Beitrag über eTwinning gesendet. Als Beispiel dient das Projekt "EcoEurope" an der Kaufmannsschule II in Hagen. (0:01:08 - 0:05:50)

eTwinning was part of a radio broadcast by Deutsche Welle. The project "EcoEurope" which was worked on at Kaufmannsschule II in Hagen is a case in point.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Third Quality Label

The German NSS awarded us a quality label, too. I am so happy.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Second Quality Label

I have just received the great news that this project was awarded the quality label by the Romanian National Support Services. Thanks to the students and their hard work. Well done everyone.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Quality Label

I have just received the great news that this project was awarded the quality label by the Polish National Support Services. Thanks to the students and their hard work. Well done everyone.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


Here is some feedback from the students.

It was a really good experience for us and we learned, too, how important the english language is !
Thanks for working with us, people from Poland, Norway and Romania. emoticon

Best wishes
Lia, Ornella and Krissi

I liked this twinning especially for the occasion of having ”new school mates” from other countries with whom I learned in the last months of school, almost the same "lessons" , about an Eco Europe.
To all my new friends, all the best ! emoticon LOVE ECO EUROPE !
Cosmin, RO 
Maybe you'll be surprised, but I've never been abroad before.
For me, this project was like a first trip to Europe (even if, imaginary). I realized, firstly, how important it is to know english language and secondly, that is easier to learn in this way - by talking with peers from Europe. I enjoyed all the things we have done together...and due to this collaboration, I can say that my world and my mind have been opened a little more.
Thank you, mrs. Hansen - for all !
Liviu from Romania 


The four topics

In the final part of the project students divided into international groups to work on different topics. They chose to work on graffiti, how to keep our schools clean, young people and ecology and adverts aimed at young people. As the Polish and Norwegian students were already sitting their exams (hope you did well) this part was mainly worked on by the Romanian and German students. The presentations were made in group work.


Young people and ecology 

Power point eco citizien new from mrshansen

 How to keep our schools clean

Adverts aimed at young people 

Fertige präsentation from mrshansen

Important note: Students were not aware of copyrights. If there is a problem, please contact us.